
LV system, see surge protective devices
power capacitors, 829-32
protection, 674-78
steep-rising, 655-62
suppressors, 673-74
switching, 657-59
transferences, 666-67, 694-97, see also protection; voltage surges
MV motors, 652-54
SVCs, see static VAr compensators (SVCs), 138 ,
SVC for rolling mill, 139
switchboards see switchgear assemblies
circuit interrupters, 723
closures, 723
duty cycles, 354
LV motors, 359
motor component selection, 353-54, 356
LV motors, 352
MV motors, 357
switchgear assemblies, 379-642
altitude, 414
ambient temperatures, 414
application, 387
atmospheric conditions, 414
auxiliary controls, 384
bus systems design, 420-24
compact, 389
construction requirements, 425-29
continuous current ratings, 395-96
control scheme diagrams, 445-53
controlgear, 379-459
conventional, 381
current ratings, 393-99, 416-20
delay tripping, 416-17
design, 393-416, 424-37
diversity factors, 395, 420
draw-out construction, 383-84
equipment ratings, 393-99, 416-20
  explosion proof, 414-15
fault levels, 400-02
fixed type, 381
flame proof, 414-15
form of separation, 427
gas insulated switchgears (GIS), 756
floor dimensons, 756
retrofitting old installations, 757
GIS based substations, 748
grounding arrangements, 427
impact test, 501
negative phase sequence, 399-400, 765-66
positive phase sequence, 397-400, 765-66
zero phase sequence, 399-400, 765-66
impulse levels, 393-94
installation, 441-42, 443-44
instrument wiring, 450, 455
insulation, 393-94, 488
intelligent switchgears, 755
internal arc protection, 429
LV fault levels, 400-08
maintenance, 441-42, 443-44
manufacturing practices, 425-29
mechnical impacts IK, 425
metal enclosed, 483-528
motor control centres, 428-30
motor protection, 346-49
painting, 468-75
power circuits, 445-55
power frequencies, 395
pressure relief mechanism, 429
ratings, 393-99, 416-20
seismic effects, 415
sequence impedances (Z0,Z1,Z2), 399
service conditions, 393, 414-16
short-time ratings, 396-406
signal shielding, 392-93
space heaters, 432, 455
standards, 456-58
  starters wiring scheme, 450-54
surge frequencies, 395
temperatures, 395-96
testing, 493-528
thermal ratings, 416
tripping, 416
types, 381-91
vibration effects, 415
whisker formation, 444
wiring, 450-55, see also metal enclosed switchgear assemblies
auctioneering, 869
binary sequences, 869-70
capacitors, 825-79, 867-70
circuit harmonics, 157-59, 832, 840
circuit interrupters, 723-25
devices, 933-52
equipment, 961
first in first out sequences, 869
first in last out sequences, 869
formulae, 952
harmonics, 157-59, 832, 844
inrush, 851-55
interrupters, 723-25
LV systems, 660-61
mediums, 723-25
over-voltages, 829-32
power capacitors, 825-79
protection, 666-67
rating, 933-52
reactive banks, 908-12
sequences, 867, 869-70
standards, 951
surges, 657-59
containment, 747
LV system, 660
rotating machines, 666-74
transient-free, 858, 910-11
static devices, 662
switching surges on an LV system, 660
caused by static devices, 662
comparison of surge protective devices, 678


ebook electrical engineering