conventional gapped discharge type, 675
contact bouncing, 661
exploding of MOVs, 678
expulsion type, 675
LV surge protection, 674
LV surge protection devices(SPDs), 674
monitoring the health of SPDs, 678
non-linear resistor (SiC) type, 675
non-conventional gapless metal oxide surge arresters(MOVs), 576
procedure to select an SPD, 678
RC-LC-filters, 675
SCR suppressors, 675
silicon avalanche diode suppressors(SAS), 675
spark-gap type, 675
surge protective devices (SPDs), 670
surge suppressors, 673
theory of surge protection, 674
transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs), 675
symbols, 449
symmetrical lines, 902
synchronization, 601-08
synchronous generators, 212
synchronous motors, 594-601
synchroscopes, 604
system grounding, 759-72
formulae, 772
insulation, 769-70
standards, 772
system harmonics, 157-59, 832-44, see also harmonic effects
system voltage regulation, 881-931
capacitors, 883-84, 909
compensation, 886-87
formulae, 920-31
large reactive banks, 908-12
lines, 889-96
reactive banks, 908-12
reactive power management, 887-93
receiving-end voltage, 903-06
series capacitors, 883-84
series compensation, 884-86
stability levels,
dynamic, 906-07
transient, 907-08
standards, 930
switching reactive banks, 908-12
thyristors, 909-10
transient stability levels, 907-08
transmission lines, 889-93
tachogenerators, 125, 352
tank sizes, 467-68
tap off boxes, 989, 1073
TCRs see thyristor-controlled reactors
tectonic plate boundaries, 509, see also earth cross-section
tee joints, 1045
TEFC see totally enclosed fan-cooled motors
telemetry software, 141
telephone lines, 834
bearings, 272-76, 351
bus systems, 490-95, 997-1007, 1094
conversion formulae, 370
electrical machines, 294-96
metal enclosed systems, 1094, 1097
slip-ring induction motors, 105
switchgear assemblies, 490-95
windings, 294-96
temporary over-voltages, 647, 759-72
terminal boxes, 204-05
terminal equipment, 662-66
termination, cables, 271, 427, 627
test response spectrum (TRS), 521
authorities, 203
burst immunity test, 503
bus systems, 1091-99
capacitor units, 953-69
conducted immunity test, 502
control transformers, 566-69
dielectric property verification, 301
dielectric properties for LV systems, 972
system is not surge protected, 972
system is surge protected, 972
electric motors, 285-308
EM field immunity test, 503
EMC and EMI tests, 501
ESD immunity test, 503
enclosures, 1097
equipment, 485-525
impulse voltage withstand, 1096
instrument transformers, 566-69
mechanical impact test, 501
metal enclosed assemblies, 483-528
metal enclosed bus systems, 1091-99
nozzles, 311
painting, 471-74
purposes, 291-92
quality systems philosophy, 285-88, 485
radiated immunity test, 502
radio-frequency immunity test, 504
radio influence voltage (RIV) test, 505
recording an earthquake, 510
surge immunity test, 504
switchgear assemblies, 483-528
tolerances, 308
transformers, 566-69
voltage transformers, 566-68
voltages, 301, 487
TETV see totally enclosed tube ventilated motors
textile motors, 187-88
blast techniques, 737 |