A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
curves, 73-77 over-current relays, 327-31 power stations, 204 ratings, 416 stability, 965-66 stresses, 945 time constants, 70 withstand time, 50-54, see also temperatures thermistors, 346-51 thermocouples, 349, 351 thermosetting plastics, 422 Thevenin's theorem, 704 three-phase four-wire systems, 781 throttle control, 166-68 through-fault condition, 554-55 thrust loads, bearings, 251 thyristor-controlled reactors (TCRs), 910-12 thyristor-switched capacitor banks (TSC), 909-12 thyristors: circuit comparison,146 commutation, 142 conduction, 142 control, 137-41 integrated gate commutated thyristors(IGCTs), 132 inverter units, 151-53 MOS-controlled thyristors (MCTs), 132 reactors, 910-12 rectifier converters, 147 switched capacitor banks, 909-12 symmetrical gate commutated thyristors(SGCTs), 134 transistor comparison, 146 time history of earthquakes, 511-12 time of start-up, 47-50 tin plating, 993 tolerable step voltages, 806 tolerable touch voltages, 806-07 tolerances, 269-70, 309 torque: accelerating, 210 |
fasteners, 1043 induction motors, 7 motors, 41, 43-61, 196-97 output, 8 Total Quality Management (TQM), 287 totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors, 21 totally enclosed tube ventilated (TETV) motors, 26 touch voltages, 806-07, 814-16 TOV capability, 699-703 determination, 702-03 gapless surge arresters, 699-703 TQM see Total Quality Management traction type couplings, 225 transducers, 570, see current measurement transferences, surge arresters, 715-16 transformers: application, 529-75 control, testing, 566-69 core-balanced current type, 782-86 dynamic currents, 563-65 formulae, 574 instrument, 529-75 momentary peak currents, 563-66 mounting, 784-86 residual voltage, 534-38 selection, 529-75 short-time factors, 563 short-time rating, 563-64 standards, 574 surge transference, 694-96 test requirements, 566-69 types, 531, see also current transformers; voltage transformers transient recovery voltage (TRV), 160, 650-51, 657-58 induction motors, 650 motors, 662-67 steep-fronted, 662-67 transient-free switching, 858, 910-11 transients: |
overhead lines, 906-07 severity determination, 667-68 stability, dynamic, 906-07 transient, 907-08 voltage surges, 648 transistors, 127-30,146 bipolar, 127-28 bipolar insulated gate, 127 Darlington, 127-28 injection enhanced gate transistors (IEGTs), 129 transition to ISO-9001 (2000), 288 transmission: back to back a.c.-d.c.-a.c., 137 back to back stations, 136 belt drives, 233-50, see also belt drives, static drives and couplings d.c. transmission, 136 HVDC transmission, 135 lines, 889-96 loads, 221-54 network layouts, 397 networks, typical, 827 surge arresters, 683-86 system circuit diagrams, 397, 409-10 travelling wave reflection, 691-93 triacs, 131 triple harmonic generation, 841-43 tripping, 659 TRS see test response spectrum trunking system endurance, 1098 TRV see transient recovery voltage TSC see thyristor-switched capacitor banks tsunami, 515 ITIC (international tsunami information center), 516 preventive measures, 525 tsunami warning system, 515 tubular busbar properties, 1063 tubular conductor skin effects, 1078-79 |